As Senior Pastor of CCB, my passion is training believers in how to live out their faith. To train up people in the faith is to make biblical application practical, down to earth and repeatable. As action is taught and encouraged, mindsets change, actions follow, and the true life changing effects of faith are experienced. My love for teaching and training was developed during my time as owner, director and actor of Madcap Theater, an improv comedy venue. For eleven years Madcap provided me the opportunity to train hundreds of adults in a performance style that requires extreme discipline to apply counter-intuitive principles to experience improv success. This training focus was also utilized by numerous companies who brought me in to spark desired growth in the areas of collaboration and communication among their employees.
So, what does improv training have to do with faith training? Faith is more than belief. Faith is action driven by belief. Without action the life giving principles of faith cannot be experienced. Too often our faith can be stagnant and lifeless because we possess a head knowledge of what we believe, but no confidence or instruction in the application of our faith. Many aspects of faith are counter-intuitive and we need knowledge on how to retrain our minds to walk according to a new set of instructions. When our minds are transformed and new instincts are formed, the power of Christ is experienced in the most important aspect of our lives - the trenches of life.